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Unlock a world of exclusive Benefits. Earn points on every purchase and enjoy member-exclusive deals!

How it Works

Silver Level

Earn 3 Points

On every dollar spent

Double Rewards

on Products of the Month


on future purchase!*

Bonus Referral Rewards

Refer A friend

They Earn

Shop More, Earn More

As a high-volume customer, you may unlock enhanced rewards and deeper discounts,
maximizing your program benefits with every purchase.


Earn 4 pts

per dollar spent

Spend $50,000 - $100,000


Earn 5 pts

per dollar spent

Spend $100,000+

Register Today

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Sign Up?

You will automatically be enrolled in the TSS Rewards program as a Silver member when you create a Tech Supply Shop customer account.

How Do I Earn Rewards?

You automatically earn TSS Rewards points whenever you purchase a qualifying product on Tech Supply Shop*.

How Do I Redeem Rewards?

Your available rewards balance will always be visible on your account page or in your cart. Whenever you check out, you'll have access to use your rewards balance.

What Is The Redemption Value?

Each TSS Rewards point is worth $0.01 towards the price of any qualifying purchase on Tech Supply Shop.

Still have questions? *See full terms and conditions

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*Promotions while supplies last. Limit (1) per customer. Excludes Open Value, CSP, Bluebeam, physical & subscription products. Rewards points activate 30 days after purchase.