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Power Tips to Surfing The Web

Web surfing is something that has become part of our daily routine, and as such, we’ve picked up a few tricks here and there to facilitate our browser experience while keeping your information secure. Here are a few tips you may not already know to make you a power browser!

Reopen a Closed Browser Tab

This happens all the time. You’re visiting a page, you’ve got a few tabs already open, but you end up closing the wrong one. Worry not, you can easily reopen your last closed tab by hitting the following keys:

Ctrl+Shift+T PC

Command+Shift+T Mac

Open a New Tab

While we’re on the subject, if you want to quickly open up a fresh browser tab (window) you can use the keys:

Ctrl+T PC

Command+T Mac

Zoom In and Out

We’re sure you’ve encountered some outdated websites where the text is just too hard to read or maybe the image you’re looking for has details you need to zoom in on. Did you know you can zoom in and out? - Just use:

Ctrl + -/+ (Minus/Plus) PC

Command + -/+ (Minus/Plus) MAC

*As a power bonus, you can tap the Ctrl (or Command for Mac) + Zero to reset the zoom, in case you forget where you started.

Update Your Browser

You may be missing out on some useful features from your browser when you’re not updating. Some browsers such as Google Chrome do a good job of auto-updating in the background so that you’re always up to date. These may not always be feature updates but can also hold important security upgrades so make sure to check in and verify that you’re on the latest version of your browser.

Delete Your Browser Cookies

Cookies are a way a website stores some bits of data from your browsing history in order to better cater to your needs - for example, saving site login details so you don’t have to sign in every time. But if using a shared computer if if you simply want to make sure you’re being completely safe while browsing, it’s a good practice to delete your cookies from time to time:

On Safari (Mac)

Preferences > Privacy > Manage Website Data > Remove All


Options/Preferences > Privacy > Security > Cookies and Site Data > Clear Data

Google Chrome

Settings > Privacy and Security > Clear Browsing Data > Checkmark Cookies and other site data > Clear Data

Microsoft Edge

Settings > Privacy, search, and services > Clear browsing data > Select Cookies and other site data > Clear now

Internet Explorer

Tools > Internet options > Browsing history > Delete > check Cookies and website data > Delete

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