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Tech Supply Shop: Microsoft Education Reseller

Attention Educators! Microsoft Academic product discounts are available through Tech Supply Shop for scholastic institutions.

Tech Supply Shop, microsoft, education reseller

Productivity through Microsoft products is just as important in an academic environment as in a business one. Many schools and educational institutions use products such as Microsoft Office to complete tasks, Server to keep administrative staff and faculty all connected, and Exchange to keep the data available to those who need it.

Tech Supply Shop offers a range of Microsoft academic products to suit any productivity or project need in the office or the classroom. Some of the great Microsoft products available for education include the following:

Office (Office 365 Professional Plus, Office Standard)

Office 365 Professional Plus brings the power of the cloud to your administration office or classrooms; Office 365 licenses are subscriptions that can accommodate up to five users per open license and receive constant updates to ensure you always have the newest applications. Office Standard offers the classic software package of your favorite programs, but will not receive significant upgrades beyond its version.

Microsoft Visio (Professional 365, Standard)

Visio helps staff members and faculty to visualize project workflows to see how progress can be tracked and how best to assign tasks out. For administrative staff, this can be helpful when rolling out new programs or processes in the office. Faculty members can plan out their curriculums as well as help students to understand processes for completing class assignments and projects. Visio Professional 365 can be integrated with the Office 365 family of apps while Vision Standard is perpetual stand-alone software.  

Microsoft Project (Professional, Standard)

Microsoft Project helps a team to stay organized, providing team leaders with tables, calendars, and other useful tools for tracking the progress of a project from start to finish with all resources involved. This kind of organizational power can be beneficial to student projects in assigning tasks and ensuring they get done with the right resources. Project Professional offers a more robust set of tools than the Standard version.

Microsoft Windows Server (Standard, Essentials, Datacenter, Single)

Microsoft Windows Server brings data storage to the cloud, powered by Azure technology. Gain the benefit of increased security and more flexibility in your data infrastructure. The version you get can affect how large your network can be, so evaluate the different versions accordingly.

Microsoft Exchange Server (Standard)

Microsoft Exchange Server is Microsoft’s solution to keeping your emails organized and secure. Whether between colleagues or the entire student body, having an efficient email system in an educational environment is essential in the digital age for maintaining good communication between staff, students, and faculty.

Microsoft SQL Server (Standard, Academic)

Microsoft SQL Server offers many benefits in data storage and disaster recovery efforts using the power of the cloud. Schools and educational institutions can maintain a better level of security for valuable data as well as a means of recovering it should something happen to the network or power.  

Microsoft Exchange (Enterprise, Standard)

Microsoft Exchange provides education centers with a robust software for managing email messages and scheduling events with others on the network.


If you have any further questions about our pricing or discounts for Microsoft academic products, contact us at 949-520-1876 or for more information.

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*Promotions while supplies last. Limit (1) per customer. Excludes Open Value, CSP, Bluebeam, physical & subscription products. Rewards points activate 30 days after purchase.