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How Cloud Based Software Assists Data Backup & Disaster Recovery

How Cloud Based Software Assists Data Backup & Disaster Recovery

Migrating data to the cloud unlocks many benefits for businesses, such as improved accessibility, scalable storage, offsite backup, and security. However, these benefits are accompanied by risks of cyberattacks from malicious actors.   Over the years, we've seen many examples of organizations falling victim to cybercrime. From Uber to Adobe to Yahoo to Marriott Hotels, no one is immune to the potential risks. The most recent high-profile cyber attacks, such as the Microsoft Exchange Server hack in 2021, the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack in May 2021, and's massive data breach in 2022, have highlighted the need for organizations to take...

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Office 365: 10 Benefits of Working Together in the Cloud

Office 365: 10 Benefits of Working Together in the Cloud

Office 365 brings a whole new dynamic to collaborating with others to complete tasks. The landscape in the professional world has changed drastically by moving so much into cloud technologies, forever changing how companies do business. Only in the last few years has there been a surge in the implementation of mobile devices for business use, and not just in the office. The ability to take your work with you and collaborate with others has changed what it means to collaborate, and Microsoft Office 365 is at the forefront of bringing businesses the tools they need to streamline processes, increase...

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